I love to fish patterns that come with the recommendation to use with heavier tippet because fish absolutely crush them on the take...and this is one of them! I first learned of this pattern many years ago from Eric Stroup and Skip Galbraith, and the "Purple Soft Hackle" has had a spot in my fly box ever since. This fly resembles the emerger stage of the Isonychia Bicolor (aka Slate Drake and Leadwing Coachman), and it's one that can be fished from the summer into the fall. During this video, I first tie the pattern, and then go into specifics regarding its use fly fishing.
In the video, I reference Eric's book, "Common-Sense Fly Fishing." You can find out more about his book at the following link: http://www.amazon.com/Common-Sense-Fly-Fishing-Simple-Lessons/dp/193475…
Featured in this video are the N202 hooks from Allen Fly Fishing; you can find these hooks and others at the following link: http://www.allenflyfishing.com/n202-nymph-dry-fly/
Thanks for viewing this YouTube fly tying tutorial, and I encourage you to view my additional videos at the following website: http://www.troutandfeather.com
As mentioned in the video, I'd love to hear from you about other Isonychia variations or methods to fish. Feel free to leave any additional questions/comments on this YouTube page, or you can email me: tcammisa@gmail.com
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