A spey fly for salmon and sea trout based on the classic March Brown.
Martin Joergensen
Modern salmon fly
- Start the thread at the hook bend over the barb.
- Tie in the silver tinsel pointing rearwards.
- Take 4-5 wraps forward and tie down and cut surplus.
- Tie in the tail to extend behind the hook bend.
- Tie in the rib. If using tying thread, double or quadruple.
- Dub the body to about 2/3 up the hook shank. Leave room for the wing and head.
- Wrap the rib in 4-5 turns, tie down and cut surplus.
- Tie in the hackle, tip first, curved side forward.
- Wrap the hackle, stroking the fibers back and down.
- Tie down the hackle, trim and cut off surplus.
- Cut two symmetrical slips of turkey tail feathers. About 20 fibers in each will do.
- Lay down slips over the body and pinch
- Take two turns over the tie-in point, and tighten upwards while still pinching.
- The wings should fold down vertically.
- Take an extra turn just in front of the existing.
- Trim wing butts.
- Cover butts with thread and form a head.
- Whip finish, cut and varnish.
atlantic salmon (sea run)
sea trout (sea run)
Hook | Salmon hook, size 2-2/0 |
Thread | Red, 8/0 |
Tag | Flat silver tinsel, small |
Tail | Mottled partridge fibers |
Rib | Yellow floss or tying thread |
Body | Hare's wool dubbing |
Hackle | Grey goose spey hackle |
Wing | Turkey |
Head | Tying thread |