LeaderCalc Category
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Leaders for heavier flies fished under the surface. Able to handle slightly heavier and larger flies at the cost of delicacy and presentation.
60/20/20 nymping leader
7 variations- A standard 60/20/20 where the leader consists of 60% butt section, 20% mid-section and 20% tippet section. You can extend the tippet itself to about 1½ times the indicated length if desired.
Borger bottom-bouncing nymph leader
1 variations- Bottom-bouncing nymph leader designed by Gary Borger.
Fished with an indicator about 5 feet from the fly, a split shot at the tip and an 8" 2X-5X tippet beyond that.
Night Stalker
56 variations- A leader for fishing wet flies, streamers or nymphs in low light conditions or turbid water.
Use a leader a rod length or shorter, which makes it easier control the fly in the dark and to land fish without visible contact.
If you want the fly to fish deeper, consider extending the tippet section.
Nymph, Midge
21 variations- Nicely tapered and delicate leader for the smaller flies down to the 14-16-18 and smaller range.
Right Angle Nymph Leader
30 variations- A leader that's meant to deliberately form a "hinge" between the butt and section 2 where you typically attach an indicator.
Adjustments should be made by adding to section 2. For fast current 1.5 times the water depth is suitable. For slower water 1-1.25 times the depth is normally good.
Simple indicator
5 variations⋇◯- For a floating line with indicator. A rubber stopper above the tippet ring or swivel will help to set the indicator at same depth after a catch. The indiocator is placed anywhere on the middle section. Excellent formula for fishing suspended chironomid-, leech-, and baitfish-flies.
Whitlock's Floating Line Nymph and Midge
2 variations- A classic gently tapered leader designed by Dave Whitlock.